Have you ever seriously thought about living your dream? We did and now we are full time cruisers onboard M/V Big Run. Everyday is a new page to be written in our ship's log as we travel to new places and revisit some ol' favorites. Come along and share our experiences and journeys.

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Welcome to our Adventure

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Flashback ( That's not Bullwinkle! )

     (Unfortunately, we do not have photographs to document this encounter, but nonetheless, it is quite a memory that we both can still visualize to this day).
     Sharon and I were kayaking on Osgood Pond in the Adirondacks.  It was a great day for a paddle and a great location. Our day trip took us north on Osgood Pond and  the Upper Osgood River.   About 2 miles upstream from the pond there is a designated campsite, where we stopped for a late lunch.  The campsite was on top of a small hill that provided an overlook of the river and the wetlands on the opposite side of the river.  After lunch, Sharon and I decided to head back to Osgood Lake, as we had a 1 hour drive back to our campsite on Floodwood Road.  Don't ask me why, but when we kayak on rivers and creeks I will take the lead and Sharon will bring up the rear.  On this particular occasion, Sharon took the lead.  As we proceeded downstream we came to a series of bends in the river.  I could see Sharon just ahead of me, but I could not see around the bend.  Then with very low and calm voice I heard Sharon exclaim "Bob, your not going to believe this".  I could see Sharon was back paddling very quietly but I could not see why.  Then as I rounded the bend, I saw it, a cow moose standing  in the middle of the stream , 25 feet from Sharon, obstructing our travel.  As I started to backpaddle, I quickly scanned all around us looking for a calf, and was relieved not to see one.  We managed to quietly backpaddle to hold our position without scaring the moose. However, the moose did get nervous, turned, walked away from us, then it went up onto the river bank and disappeared into the forest.  Wow, our first encounter with a moose, up close and personal!
     We did not get to share this experience with anyone until a few days later when we were heading home to Pennsylvania.  We stopped at the kayak shop where we had purchased our kayaks the previous year and were swapping stories with the clerk.  When we told her of the moose encounter, she said she was envious as she had been living and paddling  in the Adirondacks for 20 years and never saw a moose.  We left the Adirondacks that year feeling that the day trip with the moose encounter was something very special.


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