Have you ever seriously thought about living your dream? We did and now we are full time cruisers onboard M/V Big Run. Everyday is a new page to be written in our ship's log as we travel to new places and revisit some ol' favorites. Come along and share our experiences and journeys.

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Welcome to our Adventure

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Plain Bay Gang

       We had left Plain Bay about 10 days prior to our return to the bay on the 16th of this month.  During those ten days, we anchored over at Black Point Settlement for a few days before heading north to Pipe Creek to do some snorkeling and fishing.  The anchorage at Pipe Creek is a little exposed to foul weather, especially when the weather comes from the south, west or north, so we were forced to leave after few days because of an approaching "cold" front and seek refuge in between the Majors (Big Majors Cay & Little Majors Cay).  We are not to thrilled with between the Majors as an anchorage because the currents and winds combined can sometimes foul your anchor.  After anchoring that morning, we decided that afternoon to head over to the Big Major anchorage near pig beach.  Pig Beach is for pigs that haven't learned to fly so that they can go swimming!  Well, after watching pasty white women in muumuu dresses and large sun hats get absolutely giddy over swimming pigs, we decided Sunday morning it was time to get back to Plain Bay.  As we rounded Black Point we could see there was one catamaran anchored in the southern section of Plain Bay.  As I glassed the bay I thought the boat looked familiar and just about the time my brain was thinking the boat looked familiar the call came over the VHF "Big Run, Big Run.....where have you been?"  There she was, the boat, and crew we have been searching for - Bill and Mara on S/V Puddlejumper!   I immediately returned their hail and after a few moments Puddlejumper informed us they were 10 minutes away from leaving the anchorage and heading south.  I asked if they could stay for an hour or better yet can they stay for happy hour!  It was a great surprise to see Puddlejumper anchored there.  Back in January 2012 we left Puddlejumper in Plain Bay without getting their email address.  Then in August I posted on the Blog that we were seeking contact information for Puddlejumper.  Many people helped us with the endeavor, but still no contact.  Then in early December our friends on S/V Meant To Be contacted us from Morgan's Buff in Andros, Bahamas that Puddlejumper had dropped anchor just 2 hours after Meant To Be dropped their anchor.  Yes, Puddlejumer stayed in Plain Bay with us for happy hour that evening and over the next four days we had plenty of time to catch up over more happy hours, land excursions and a few games of Euchre.  We learned from Bill and Mara that many friends had contacted them about our inquiry we had posted on this blog.  Bill and Mara had attempted to contact us through the blog's comment section but without success.  Then, when Puddlejumper arrived in Morgan's Bluff, Meant To Be informed Puddlejumper that Big Run was in Plain Bay.  After a few days in Morgan's Bluff, Puddlejumper headed down to Plain Bay only to find an empty anchorage.  Had our departure from Big Major been delayed by 10 minutes we would have missed a glorious 4 day reunion.
      As the week progressed, S/V Meant To Be arrived at the anchorage and the homeowners at Plain Bay also returned to the islands. Thursday evening we all went to town for burgers and rum punch at DeShaMon Restaurant in Black Point Settlement.  As there was ten of us for the dinner party,  the restaurant sent a pick up truck to shuttle us into town which is 2.2 miles from Plain Bay anchorage.   In the photo below is part of the Plain Bay Gang.
The Plain Bay Gang at DeShaMon Restaurant.

1 comment:

extra said...

Yayyy!! I'm glad you found your friends again!! Burgers and rum punch sounds like a lotta fun with your friends around you. One day. One day I will be amongst you, with sand between my toes and losing track of what day it is, swinging on a hook in paradise and caring not about the world's problems. Like is precious as are those who enjoy it with you.

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