Have you ever seriously thought about living your dream? We did and now we are full time cruisers onboard M/V Big Run. Everyday is a new page to be written in our ship's log as we travel to new places and revisit some ol' favorites. Come along and share our experiences and journeys.

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Welcome to our Adventure

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sunset Over Miami

     Finally, after 10 windy but glorious days in South Beach, our weather window to cross over to the Bahamas is only hours away.  Our 2011/2012 Bahamas adventure starts very early Thursday morning.  This afternoon the winds died down to a very light breeze, and the seas should be settling down overnight to manageable 2 foot waves for tomorrow.  That's better than the 20 MPH winds gusting to 25 MPH and 5'-7' seas with an occasional 9' thrown in to get your attention.  On the eve of our departure we were given one final beautiful sunset over Miami.

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