Have you ever seriously thought about living your dream? We did and now we are full time cruisers onboard M/V Big Run. Everyday is a new page to be written in our ship's log as we travel to new places and revisit some ol' favorites. Come along and share our experiences and journeys.

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Better Than Reality Television

     Adjacent to our marina is "county landing" which has always been a source of my amusement.  After working on the boat all day I would reward myself  in the evening by sitting in the pilothouse and watching the antics of the locals.  I have seen trailered boats launched and retrieved in every manner possible.  On that subject alone you would expect to see a ambulance there weekly.  Just the other day a fight broke out between a waterman and a driver for the local crab processing house.  I guess the extreme heat that the area has been experiencing is getting the best of everybody
     Tonight the entertainment spilled over into our marina.  Apparently, a makeshift crabbing boat capsized out on Langford Creek.  One of the crabbers from the capsized vessel was still able to use his cell phone and call for help.  He must have called the two local young men that I witnessed rushing down to county landing on their scooters.  They jumped onto a crab boat and raced off to rescue the two crabbers.  They returned to county landing but not before their rescue boat lost power and drifted  back to the docks of county landing.  Later, another waterman came to the docks, loaded up his wife/girlfriend, the two survivors, the two young rescuers and headed out onto the creek in his crab boat.  About an hour later they returned with the capsized vessel in tow.  They were also accompanied by the local waterway Police, the Natural Resources Police and the Coast Guard.  And to keep it very interesting for us, the flotilla of boats came right up to our backporch (cockpit) and onto the haul-out slips of our marina.  They managed to position the capsized boat in one of the haul-out slips and secured it for the night. - at least that's what I thought.  But that wasn't good enough.  The two young rescuers decided they were going to rescue the capsized vessel here and now as seen in the picture.  You know, if I aimed an video camera at county landing, I would have the next hit reality television show!

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