Have you ever seriously thought about living your dream? We did and now we are full time cruisers onboard M/V Big Run. Everyday is a new page to be written in our ship's log as we travel to new places and revisit some ol' favorites. Come along and share our experiences and journeys.
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Welcome to our Adventure
Comments to postings are welcomed. We have elected to moderate all comments before the comment is published, so be patient, you comment will be posted.
Welcome to our Adventure
Where in the world is the Big Run crew? Click on the link below to see our current(?) location.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Ladder to Adventure
Saturday, March 21, 2009
The Unofficial Start to Boating Season
We are off and running with the boat repairs so to speak. However I should clarify the title to this blog entry. It should read " The Unofficial Start to the Boat Repair Season. If you have a boat you will understand what I mean. I spent one day down in the engine room taking care of a few necessary items. You got to love those Gulf Coast Filters. The large one used to polish the fuel uses a roll of paper towels as the filter medium. We also have a Gulf Coast junior filter for the generator that uses a roll of toilet paper to filter the oil. No high priced proprietary filters. Yes, those engineers who designed these Gulf Coast Filter units should be highly commended for applying the KISS (keep it simple stupid) method. After all, you can purchase paper towels and TP at almost any store.
Next week we will be pulling the hydraulic steering pump from the flybridge helm and sending it out to be overhauled. It has been leaking for some time. I had considered overhauling the pump myself but decided to let a professional do it. Then I know it will be done right. Speaking of pumps, I removed the raw water pump from the generator to rebuild it at home on a proper workbench, something that the boat is lacking is a good workbench. Maybe Sharon will share the galley counter top for installation of a hefty vise, it could also be used to crack those stubborn crabs.
I have decided to scale back on boat work while the boat is on the hard - first is the issue of no running water. Then there is the ladder deal to get on and off the boat. So, slap some bottom paint on her, send her over the side and let the work begin.
On another note, a pair of Bald Eagles have taken up residence again in the Osprey nest across from the marina office. Last year a pair of Bald Eagles tried to move in on the same nest, that was until the Ospreys returned from down south. Believe it or not, the majestic bird of this great nation, the Bald Eagle, does not stand a chance against the more aggressive Osprey. Well, at least our forefathers did not adopt Ben's Turkey as the national bird.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Not Only Bears Hibernate
Let's just say we are going to write off January and February. Other than catching up on some reading and taking a few wilderness hikes, those 2 months were a total bust. Now would be the time to get serious and get back on track - boat work. I had generated a boat work list for this season that was comprised of the following categories - Must Do, Safety Issues, Electrical/Mechanical Upgrades and Luxury Gotta-Haves. Well, this year's boat work has been drastically shortened by the economy when it decided to puke all over itself. Sorry, but I will not be doing my part to kick start the economy this year. Although we did try to sustain the local economy in Rock Hall last year. So we are going to apply some bottom paint, install dinghy mounts for the new dinghy, fix the generator raw water pump and a few other must do items. When that short Must Do list is done, we may just slip back into hibernation. By the way, did I say the hibernation was going to be on the boat with a couple of cold ones!
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